
How to Start Freelancing.

Starting Your Freelancing Career on Zoom: A Workshop with our Expert.

Name: Muhammad Shahnawaz
Category: Freelancing
Location: Zoom
Date: 26, 03, 2023


How We Start The Freelancing

Date: (26, 03, 2023)
Location: Online via Zoom
Description: This workshop is designed for individuals who are interested in starting a freelancing career and want to learn how to use Zoom to connect with clients and grow their business. I will provide an overview of the freelancing industry, share tips and strategies for success, and walk attendees through the process of setting up and using Zoom for freelancing.
Agenda: (List the topics that will be covered in the workshop)
Register: A link or button to register for the event.
Host: (Muhammad Shahnawaz)
Cost: (5$)
Prerequisites: (If any)
Contact: or contact form for attendees to reach out with any questions .


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